The most important service of all library services extended to the public is provided by the circulation section i.e. issue and return of books or books for home use. All activities and processes in a library are performed so that lending out of books is facilitated. The popularity and prestige of the library are measured by the quality of service rendered by the circulation staff. The circulation section of any library is a direct link to the library with its members. It is through this section only that members of the public library interact with the library staff regarding their requirements of books, books to be acquired, and the facilities they expect from the library. So it plays a major role in any public library.
This section is located on the second floor. Readers have to get them enrolled as a member of the Library to avail the borrowing service of this section. The issue and return of books are computerized. The books can be reissued telephonically and can be reserved also.
Circulation Section is the biggest section of the library where most of the books are stacked. In this section there are about 90000 books on various subjects of general interest in four languages viz. English, Hindi, Punjabi and Urdu. In public library normally those books are kept which are in demand by general public like fiction, biographies, books on current topics, self-improvement books, palmistry & astrology etc. The book collection of the Circulation Section is such that it in itself represents the reading trends of the members of the library. Readers can search for books through OPAC as well as manual catalog.
Generally, two books and four books to senior citizen are issued to each member on one card for a period of 14/30 days; however if a book is not in demand it may be reissued to the member. Circulation Process has also been automated through the Libsys software