The reference section is the hub of all referral and reference services of a library. Every well-organized large or medium library is organized into several sections or departments. In the narrow sense, it may be expected to provide answers to the queries of the users. But in a broader sense, it may have to provide a variety of services and perform functions necessary to help the users including providing information service on-demand and in anticipation, providing instruction in the use of the library, selection of documents, organization of reference materials, etc. Reference service involves the spirit of humanism, which aims to establish the right contact between the right user and the right document at the right time.
This section is on the Third Floor having all the services at the Reference Desk and the Reading Hall for research scholars and serious readers
Reference section of this library has a very rich collection of encyclopedias and competitive books to cater to the demands of readers effectively. There are more than 8028 title books in this section. This section also preserves two important national newspapers namely a) The Times of India and b) The Tribune. On an average more than 100 readers visit this section everyday and as many queries are handled by the well versed staff.
The library has about 2166 VCD's of children and educational movies and CD-ROMs on different subjects, which are being issued to the readers at a nominal rate of five rupee per VCD's for two days. Some CD-ROMs are of reference nature like of Discovery Channel and National Geography. Reference section provide Internet Surfing facility to its readers and about 20 readers access the internet facility.